
“I didn’t break the walls, I jumped to the other side” PS “There is no political project for the country”



In his speech on the second day of the SDP Congress in Santa Maria da Feira, Miguel Poyares Maduro quoted author Goethe as saying that “the most important” should not obey the “least important”. The former ruler believes that the PS has led to the fact that everyone has remained “poorer, more unequal, less democratic.” The secret to IP’s success lies in lowering public expectations in order to provoke a kind of resignation.

The relationship with the state, which the Socialist Party seems to support, has been criticized by Poiares Maduro, who speaks of the party that feeds on “the fear of austerity, which they, ironically, are responsible for spreading in Portugal.” The answer to this story cannot pass as a threat, saying there will be even more austerity.

Thus, the MEP argues that the main focus of the message to the country should be focused on the good that can happen in Portugal, since the Portuguese deserve more.

“We cannot continue to remain a country of castes and favors.” According to Poyares Maduro, it is necessary to build a country in which “relations with the state do not depend on relations with the authorities.”

Defending “equal opportunity”, the Social Democrat also criticizes that “left-wing radicalism” has taken over the Socialist Party.

Poares Maduro claims that PS did not destroy any walls. Instead, he “jumped over the wall.”

“To stay in power, PS will force Portugal to live on the other side of this wall.”

“The PS has no political project for the country, it only has a power project,” he attacks the social democrat. The MEP stresses that the Portuguese have the right to hear an answer from Antonio Costa regarding the viability of the elected government of the SDP. Poyares Maduro also calls on the SDP to remain united in order to fulfill this responsibility.


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