
How to organize the bookmark bar in Google Chrome



Two things say a lot about the user: the organization of the home screen of his computer and the sites saved in Favorites. Fortunately, Google Chrome (Android l iOS l Desktop) and other popular browsers have functions that allow you to manage your bookmarks. If you haven’t already placed an order in your browser, this is your cue.

The bookmark bar can be a great help in your life as it can collect important pages and / or which are a part of your daily life. In this way, all websites are within the reach of the eyes and, above all, a click away. Unfortunately, many users do not know how best to use this tool.

As a result Canaltech decided to create a simple guide on how to organize the bookmarks bar in Google Chrome and optimize your daily browser use. Check it out below!

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How to organize the bookmark bar in Google Chrome

Step 1: sign in to your browser and sign in to the website you want to save from the bookmarks bar. Then click the star icon located in the upper right corner of the screen. Then select “Add to favorites”;

Go to the site you want to bookmark. (Image: Chris Guyato / Screenshot)

Step 2: in the window that opens, mark the “Folder” section. The option you choose should be “Favorites Bar”. Once this is done, click the “Finish” button;

Save it to your favorites bar. (Image: Chris Guyato / Screenshot)

Step 3: this will cause the website to appear in the Google Chrome bookmarks bar. Right-click the page to display additional actions. Among the available commands, click “Edit”;

Then click on it to display the browser options. (Image: Chris Guyato / Screenshot)

Step 4: on this screen, you can add a site to a specific folder. To do this, click “Favorites Bar”, and then – “New Folder”;

Create a new folder in the bookmarks bar. (Image: Chris Guyato / Screenshot)

Step 5: create a name and, to finish, tap the “Save” command;

Give a name that is simple and easy to identify. (Image: Chris Guyato / Screenshot)

Step 6: note that after this process, a folder will appear in the favorites bar. In it, you can add as many sites as you want, and to easily access them, just left-click on it.

To access the sites stored in the folder, click on it. (Image: Chris Guyato / Screenshot)

Ready! Now you know how to organize the bookmarks bar in Google Chrome.

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