
Here are three relaxation techniques to help you sleep more and better.



UA 2009 study published by the US National Library of Medicine found that setting a nightly routine has a positive effect on the sleep of young children and the mood of the mother.

The study involved 405 mothers and their babies or young children aged seven to 18 months and 18 to 36 months. The results concluded that consistent sleep patterns led to significant reductions in problematic sleep behaviors in infants and young children. The maternal mood also improved significantly.

When the mind and body are under stress, heart rate and blood pressure rise, making it difficult to fall asleep. With that in mind, here is a set of habits that you should follow in the same order every night for 30-60 minutes before bed to help you fall asleep faster, wake up less often at night, and achieve seven / nine hours of sleep. recommended. Warranty from Emma – The Sleep Company.

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1- Breathing techniques

Some studies show that focusing on your breathing reduces stress, produces more melatonin (the sleep hormone that helps you fall asleep), and thus helps you fall asleep faster. One of the simplest and most popular breathing techniques is the 4-7-8 breathing method. Start by sitting with your back straight and place the tip of your tongue behind your upper front teeth, holding it there for the rest of the exercise. Inhale through your nose and count to four, hold your breath and count to seven, then exhale through your mouth and count to eight. Repeat the exercise three times.

2- Visualization techniques through meditation

This technique can be used during a kind of meditation and involves visualizing oneself in a quiet place, visualizing an object such as a blooming flower or a sheep jumping over a fence many times. Get into a comfortable position, sit or lie down, close your eyes and inhale deeply.

3- Muscle Techniques

Muscle techniques, also called progressive muscle relaxation or deep Jacobson relaxation, are to tense various muscles in the body and then release the tension. Start with the forearms. Flex your biceps and relax to release muscle tension. Then bend your forearms and let them slowly relax. Take a deep breath and continue working on your chest and abdomen. Contract your abdominal and chest muscles and exhale slowly, relaxing those muscles.

Other recommended ways to fall asleep

Many ways to fall asleep include calming activities such as taking a hot bath, reading, listening to relaxing music, prayer, or meditation. In a study of sleep habits by Emma – The Sleep Company, in which 2,000 respondents of both sexes, aged 18 to 64, from Germany, the UK, France and the Netherlands, participated, most of them noted the three most important sleep patterns. are: sleep in the bedroom in the dark and go to bed early.

On average, 23% of respondents go to bed at the same time every day. In all four countries, the most common sleep pattern is reading (23%).

In Mexico, a 2013 National Sleep Foundation survey of a representative sample of 250 respondents found that 62% of participants pray or meditate before bed.

Read also: Science says these are the three best sleeping positions

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