
“He worked in my house for 60 years”



This Saturday, October 2, SIC aired another “Hello Marco Paulo”, conducted by Ana Márquez and Marco Paulo. Since the 25th Golden Globes Gala will take place tomorrow, the central theme of today’s broadcast is the ceremony.

One of the guests in the afternoon was Carolina Patrosinio, who was asked to give a speech today if she wins the Golden Globe.

Thus, the Pham Show host ended up dedicating a beautiful tribute to Ondina Mimoso, better known as Inha, to the nanny who raised her and worked at her mother’s house for over 50 years:

“I want to thank a very special person who left my family this week, left in the sense that she retired, this is Ondina, who worked for 60 years in my house, who raised my mother, who raised us all .. . “.

“It was 60 years of absolute dedication at home, and therefore this week was special, because to the person to whom I owe my childhood, my attitude, the formation of my personality, I owe a lot to Inha, Ondina and, therefore, if I received it today, then I dedicated it to her ”.

Read also: Video: Sponsoring Carolina in tears from the surprise of the “nanny” who created it

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