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George Floyd protested throughout America



Most of the protests in New York today are peaceful marches – but when night falls, there are also examples of increased property destruction and looting.

The looting seems very organized, “CNN Correspondent Shimon Prokupecz said at the scene.

“They will go to the store. They will break the window. You know, they will use a hammer. They will run away. And then, others will come. And then, repeatedly return,” Prokupecz said.

Looting and destruction will be the second blow to many businesses that have already suffered the effects of a coronavirus pandemic, he added. Many damaged shops have been closed for months, and have lost money.

“And now, (shops) are being looted.” Prokupecz said. “Everything was taken and now they have to repair the shop, fix the glass.”

City-wide curfew: The city curfew, which takes effect at 11 tonight tonight, will be extended to tomorrow night – but tomorrow night will take effect earlier, at 8 pm. As a replacement.

“The curfew, in the end, may be too late,” Prokupecz said. “They brought in more officers. They doubled the number of officers who would deal with this today. And that doesn’t even seem to help.”

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