
Generals openly defend political party status for the Armed Forces – Jefferson Miola



“Thanks to the guerrilla movement promoted by its guerrilla and coup leaders, the military has become a guerrilla group,” says Jefferson Miola.

Jefferson Miola, for 247

Not letter to TSE President Edson Fachin in which he jeopardizes the conduct of electionsDefense Minister General Paulo Sergio Nogueira de Oliveira equated the Armed Forces with a political party in order to increase unwarranted military interference in the electoral process.

Could this have been a misguided act, or is it a deliberate sign of political and institutional audacity on the part of this gang in a form that operates in a disguised, indirect way and increasingly seriously threatens democracy without a response from political institutions and civil power?


In the document, Defense Minister Bolsonara argued that “certain legal concepts support the right to verify all stages of the electoral process.”


And, in order to justify the absurd attempt to control the electoral process, the general feverishly demanded from the armed forces “the provisions of Law No. 9.504/1997 in its Art. 66, where it is stated that parties and coalitions will be able to control all stages of the voting and counting process, as well as the electronic processing of summary results.”

Now, as the conspirator general himself wrote, the aforementioned law establishes the appropriation parties and coalitions in monitoring the entire electoral process, not the Sun!


By the way, none of the 105 articles of this Law what kind “lays down the rules for elections”, adopted in 1997, 25 years ago, so there is no mention of the effectiveness of the Armed Forces in any meaningful aspect of the elections.

At the most, on voting days, civilian authorities call on the military to perform support and routine functions, purely logistical, to transport ballot boxes and provide additional security.

in accordance with the spirit of a civil rather than a military regimeLaw 9,504/1997 guarantees parties and coalitionsas constituent organs of political power and civil power, a broad right to “verify all stages of the voting and counting process and electronic processing of summary results.”


The law also clearly defines the conditions for participation parties and coalitionsbut never from the army – in the preparation of electronic voting machines [§ 5º do art. 66]when checking the functioning of polling stations [§ 6º] and in creating your own system of verification, verification and aggregation of results [§ 7º].

Just as he cynically twists Article 142 of the Constitution to justify unacceptable political interference and defense of democracy, military party also feeds mystification and scoundrel interpretation of the Armed Forces “as oversight bodies, along with other institutions” of the electoral process.

Thanks to the guerrilla movement promoted by its guerrilla and coup leaders, the Armed Forces were transformed into guerrilla groups.


And being an armed gang, they act in politics like true militias in uniform illegal and clandestine, which undermine democracy and the rule of law and threaten the very holding of elections next October.

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