
From Small Screens to Political Environments – O Presente



Journalist Alan Medeiros left television after ten years to become the state’s preliminary candidate for citizenship.

After passing through Taroba and China, the journalist from Cascavel, Alan Medeiros, decided to leave his profession at least for a while to devote himself to politics. He nominated the name as a preliminary state candidate for citizenship.

[ Publicidade ]

During a visit to Jornal O Presente, the professional explained why he decided to immediately take on a larger project, such as a dispute in the Legislative Assembly, instead of starting in this environment, for example, as a candidate for councilor.

Medeiros also explained the reasons behind his nomination and praised his state and national political stance. Verify.

O Presente (OP): You are a journalist and now a candidate for deputy. Why did you make such a decision?
Alan Medeiros (AM):
I started journalism in 2008 when I was still a student. It’s been almost 14 years in journalism and 10 in TV where I spent time in Tarobá and RPC. I put three pillars in this dispute. First, the need for an update, which we need in the current scenario. The politicians that are there today, in my opinion, left much to be desired on issues such as the situation with toll roads for our region, for example, in addition to other issues related to education and health. The second point is that I worked with the Legislative Assembly from 2014 to 2016 and I know how it all happens, how strings are tied to pass a bill, how every political game should be appealed. And the third pillar is my career as a journalist. As I said, I have been working in communications for 14 years and have been a reporter in a print newspaper, I have worked in television and for the last five years I have been in China, which has a lot of coverage. As journalists, we have this bias towards the population. We listen to problems, give voice to the community, and demand solutions, from the simplest to the most complex. Today it happens that many politicians are present in cities only during elections, either every two years or, when they are actually elected, every four years. The idea is to make the mandate live, to translate this “policy” that people don’t know, so they can start following the votes. Transparency, participation in the mandate, listening to people so that they also participate in decision-making.

O.P.: Does the one who is in the Legislative Assembly manage to act differently, or does he end up sticking to the system?
This is achieved. Many people say that when they are not there it is one thing, but when they come it is another. As a reporter, many people said that the charge had already been brought against the Public Authority, and it had no effect, there was no solution. But when a journalist makes a report and there are results, we are happy. This is achieved through good ideas and bringing what is happening in the Assembly to public opinion. Make this transparent. If I do not have support in order to take a firm stand on some issues, I will play on public opinion and name people. I want to get there with clean hands and without obligation. This is an articulation, a political game, a persuasion, as a journalist I go for facts and figures to analyze the moments. I can be the backbone or the opposition to the government, but I will vote for what is best for the people of Paranana.

O.P.: Why did you decide to run yourself as a pre-state candidate, which is a bigger project, and not start your political life by contesting the election, for example, as a candidate for councillors?
Television generates this projection outside of the place. I was accompanied by an audience, every day and live, not only from Cascavel, but also from the West. And, moreover, in the North-West region, where I worked, for example, in Umuaram, Chianort and Paranavai. So these two regions will be my main areas of activity. It’s not that the deputy will not act in other cities, but where he was born, this activity is more pronounced in him. I will be present here more than, for example, in Londrina, Maringa, Campo Murao. To do this, we need to make collective construction and a representative mandate. I could have been a candidate for councilor in the 2014 election, but now is the time and the opportunity. I retired from television after five years in the PRC to be accessible and to make people remember that this was the reporter who accompanied us, from a pothole in the street to a denunciation at Gaeco (Special Action Group to Combat Organized Crime). He understands our daily life and our reality, not only in Cascavel, but in the region as a whole. Hence the term of the state deputy.

OP: Cidadania has formed a federation with the PSDB. However, in the state, his party is in alliance with Governor Ratinho Júnior (SDP). Who are you going to support in the campaign?
I work with César Silvestri Filho (PSDB) and I have no problem saying that. I disagree with some of the things the state government has done or not done in recent years, especially in our region. Speaking of Cascavel and the region, there are works that have not been carried out. The execution of Trevo Cataratas is a major bottleneck in the West, but it is carried out with the funds of a leniency agreement. There was no support in this matter from the state government, as in other works. The West was fined, including for delaying work. I do not agree with some issues, such as education, distance technical education. I find it intimidating. State security was also indebted in terms of investment. To a few questions that I ask, looking at the region, I do not end today with Ratinho Junior.

OP: Is Cidadania open to supporting another pre-candidate?
Citizenship is the foundation of a governor, and I must respect it. I joined the party because last year I saw that it had three deputies: Cristina Silvestri for Guarapuava, Douglas Fabricio for Campo Murao and Tersilio Turini for Londrina. I realized that this gap was in the West, Southwest and even in the Northwest, so that it would grow. If I had joined another party, also from the center, because I am not from the extreme right, much less from the left in the center, and I already had representatives, I would be another one in the line for bread. That’s why I chose Cidadania, because it’s a centrist party and because I have the opportunity to be known in the region. In fact, as soon as I entered, I brought a proposal, and I was nominated as a candidate for state deputies. As for the issue of the party being in the government, this discussion was held last year, and we must respect it. I’m not saying the government is bad, just that there is room for improvement and greater representation of the region. And at the same time, a federation was created between Cidadania and PSDB, which has a cascading effect. Therefore, I cannot say that I am betraying the party, because Sidadaniya is part of this federation. These are political things.

OP: On a bilateral issue, do you agree with Federal MP Rubens Bueno (citizenship)?
Yeah. The party has a problem of parting ways with those from Cidadania, and after all, if it has parted ways with PSDB, they still need to tune in. This should be visible in advance when the application entry is released.

OP: On the national stage, do you support the name chosen by the third way for the presidential race, which belongs to Senator Simone Tebet (MDB-MS)?
What. Cidadania and PSDB have entered into a possible future coalition with MDB. The name Simone Tebet makes me happy, firstly, because she is an active senator, as we saw in the CPI Covid-19. She is from Mato Grosso do Sul, has history and is prepared. The state is extremely agricultural and tends to have many more right-wing votes. And she, by presenting herself as a candidate for the center in a state close to us, neighboring Parana, will gain a lot from us. She is a woman ready to go out and build something better for the country. The poll shows today that Simona Tebet is still creeping in numbers, but we know she has a long way to go and that could change once the campaign starts.

OP: In a region where President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) dominates some of the electorate, does it bother you that you support another name?
I tell the region and the voters of Bolsonaro that I do not vote for Lulu (PT). So I’m not with Bolsonaro, but I’m not with Lula either. I’m looking for another way, because I don’t want what was from the past to return, and I also can’t agree with inflation as such; I cannot agree with the actions of the federal government in the face of the pandemic and when it delayed the purchase of vaccines; I cannot accept that the government changes the President of Petrobras and does not look at the board of directors, which consists mainly of members appointed by the government itself, and cannot change the fuel price policy. This has immediate consequences in everyone’s life. By playing with the price of fuel, this directly affects those who have a car but also depend on public transport. Therefore, I do not agree with some of the positions and economic measures of the federal government, as well as the attitude to religion as a flag and forgetting what needs to be discussed.

Maria Christina Kunzler/O Presente

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