
Four deputies are cited and political criteria may determine Riedel’s secretariat.



Joao Cesar and Beto Pereira agree on a new secretariat (Photo: Arquivo)

The four elected deputies are listed for the unification of the first echelon, and the political criterion must prevail over the technical one in the formation of the secretariat of Eduardo Reidel (PSDB). The chair dance aims to accommodate this year’s electoral losers and echoes the same tactics used by Reinaldo Azambuja (PSDB).

The elected governor has not named any names, but thousands of articulations and rumors follow behind the scenes of public policy. Federal MPs Heraldo Resende, Beto Pereira and Dagoberto Nogueira are cited to take over the portfolio to open a federal deputy vacancy for Campo Grande Councilor Professor Huari (PSDB),

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Riedel may appoint two elected officials and open a vacancy for deputies in the Assembly and in the Chamber of Deputies.

Riedel reported expenditures of BRL 9.6 million, BRL 266,000 more than the ceiling allowed by the electoral law.

Riedel, Teresa, Simone, Captain Contar and Thiago become the new protagonists of MS politics.

Another electoral loser who could be considered for a vacancy in the Legislative Assembly is councilor and businessman João César Mattogrosso (PSDB). In this formulation, it is most likely that the former mayor of Bataguazu and the elected deputy of the state, Pedro Caravina (PSDB), will join the first echelon.

According to the Correio do Estado, Beto Pereira will head the Secretariat of State for Human Rights, Social Assistance and Labor. The criterion in this case is not competence, but PSDB’s plans to nominate a federal deputy as a candidate for mayor of the capital in 2026, when he meets with the incumbent mayor Adriana Lopez (Patri).

Even though he enlisted the mayor’s support in the second round, which was considered strategic, to turn around in the Capital, where he jumped from 4th to 1st, the toucan will be planning ways to strengthen Beto Pereira’s name to defeat her in the next one. elections.

Even the agreement to elect State Deputy Lidio López (Patri), Adriana’s husband, to the post of President of the Legislative Assembly must not be fulfilled. Campo Grande News even published an article saying that MPs elected by the PSDB had signed a pledge to support the capital’s first knight as president of the state legislature.

Terenosa’s two-term mayor, state MP and federal MP for a second term, Beto Pereira has his eye on Campo Grande City Hall and would be willing to trade a deputy’s mandate for a secretary’s mandate in the hope of more publicity. in the capital.

Dagoberto is quoted as commanding the Secretariat of Justice and Public Security. He was already a folder holder in Zeca PT management and has Prohibition as his calling card. However, the MP, who has been from the PDT for 31 years, is not respected by the military police and firefighters, who are no longer associated with President Jair Bolsonaro (PL).

The appointment of Beto and Dagoberto will open two vacancies for deputies in the Chamber of Deputies. With 20,600 votes, Huari is the first deputy. Middle name – Tres-Lagoas advisor, doctor. Cassiano Maia (PSDB) with 15,176 votes. Toucan from Treslago is considered a candidate for Angelo Guerreiro (PSDB).

Delegate Karavin is said to take the position of Secretary of State for Infrastructure. He was Riedel’s deputy in the folder and had authority for this position. His appointment opens a vacancy for Deputy First Deputy Councilor João Cesar Mattogrosso, who received 11,600 votes.

Riedel follows a strategy similar to that used by Reinaldo. In his first term, the toucan appointed Marcio Monteiro (PSDB) to the financial secretariat and opened a federal deputy vacancy for councilor Eliseu Dionizio from the evangelical bench.

For a second term, Reinaldo appointed Geraldo Resende (PSDB) to the Secretariat of Health and secured a federal deputy mandate for the first deputy, former First Lady of Corumba, Bia Cavassa (PSDB). She won the vacancy because selective justice annulled the votes of Alcides Bernal (PP).

Geraldo is quoted as returning to the state Department of Health as part of an arrangement to guarantee a seat for a new deputy, in this case Huari.

If the nominations are confirmed, Riedel opens a vacancy for two deputies in the House of Councilors of Campo Grande: Ademir Santana and Claudinho Serra. The second is a secretary in Cydrolandia, a city run by his mother-in-law Wanda Camilo (PP).

At the moment, the names are rumors and have not been confirmed by Riedel. During the election campaign, the elected governor promised to create a secretariat of a technical nature, not a political one.

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