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Follow These Steps to Survive a Pile-Up Accident



The delicate dance on the roadways sometimes turns deadly when a pile-up accident occurs. The risk of this occurring is present any time there’s more than one car on the road, which means it’s important to know what to expect if you’re in one. Knowing how to survive a multi-car pile-up can make the difference between life and death for you, your passengers, and other drivers. Take the following steps to give yourself the best chance of walking away from such an accident.

Follow the Speed Limits

One of the best things you can do to keep yourself safe on the road and best survive a pile-up accident is to drive the speed limit. By doing so, you’ll have less kinetic energy that can harm you and others in an accident. Higher speeds bring greater kinetic energy, which can lead to a tremendous amount of force impacting your body in the event of a collision. Abiding by the speed limit ultimately reduces the amount of energy that will be present in a crash.

Be Aware of Road Conditions

On November 12, 2020, a pile-up crash involving almost 30 vehicles in Minnesota occurred due to a snow squall, which obscured visibility and made the roads slick. Places where pile-up accidents often occur, such as interstate roads, can suddenly develop unsafe road conditions. Some of the dangers you could face include the following:

  • Black ice
  • Rain
  • Debris
  • Snow
  • High winds

Keeping an eye on road conditions and taking the necessary precautions to avoid hazards can reduce the likelihood that your crash occurs. It can also make an accident less deadly if you happen to be in one but can avoid road conditions that will make your situation even worse.

Wear a Seatbelt

One of the best steps that you can do to protect your life in a pile-up accident is to wear a seatbelt. Seatbelts are especially important during accidents involving semi-trucks, in which 98% of fatalities occur in passenger vehicles. According to the NHTSA, in 2017 alone seatbelts saved nearly 15,000 lives in accidents. Truck accident liability can involve multiple parties, which makes it vital to get the right representation to navigate this complex process if you’re involved in one.

Be Careful at Intersections

Intersections are a prime location for pile-up accidents, with the NHTSA reporting that they account for nearly 40% of all accidents. The most common cause of accidents within intersections is a driver executing an illegal move. Use caution when driving through an intersection, even if you have the right of way. By remaining aware of your surroundings, you could potentially avoid an accident or take critical action to prepare for an oncoming crash.

Avoid Distractions While Driving

Using your cell phone while driving can increase the likelihood that you’re in a fatal accident and can make a multi-car accident more dangerous. The National Safety Council reports that around 25% of all accidents are caused by texting while driving. Avoiding the use of your cell phone while you’re driving can help you stay out of an accident and can help you avoid the dangers of a multi-car pileup.

A pile-up accident can be highly dangerous, and many drivers who are near one won’t b able to avoid becoming part of it. However, there are some steps that you can take to lessen the severity of it and improve your ability to survive one. If you find yourself in one of these accidents, it’s vital to seek out help from a qualified lawyer who specializes in these types of accidents to get you the compensation you deserve from the parties involved.

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