
Eunapolis: APLB strike ‘harms students and is political’ says Cordelia Torres – News – Municipalities



Eunapolis Mayor Cordelia Torres (UB) says the APLB/Sindicato strike is “political and harms students and parents.” The strike lasted 40 days, and a recent court decision determined the return of 50% of the teachers to the classroom.

Currently, a teacher in Eunapolis earns one of the highest salaries in Bahia and wages are paid in advance on the 25th of each month. This amount is higher than the amount set by the federal government in January, after adjusting the minimum wage to the equivalent of R$ 3,845. And there are teachers who earn about 5,500 reais, and teachers, according to the mayor’s office, with a salary of about 8,000 reais.

“Many teachers disagree with the APLB/Union strike and want to be in the classroom. And our students have not attended classes for two years due to the pandemic and are now forced to stay at home. The APLB/Union strike has affected approximately 20,000 students,” says Cordelia Torres.

The municipal leadership also claims that the demonstration held this Friday (10) on BR-101 was “political in nature”. According to the mayor’s office, there were many protesters who did not belong to the municipal educational network, but were employees of the Federal Institute of Bahia (Ifba). And on the march there were shouts of “Get out, Bolsonaro.”

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