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Employment: Portuguese mistakes disqualify more than half of candidates in preselections



Selection processes for interviews are often daunting for candidates, especially the dynamics and dreaded questions of the interviewer. However, the “villains” of failures lie in the difficulty of mastering the question that is taught from school: Portuguese.

Mistakes in Portuguese, misinterpretation of information and lack of good Communication According to a survey conducted by the Brazilian Internship Center (Nube), oral and written prevent 83.5% of students from being selected.

The survey assessed the performance of 59,776 internship and apprenticeship candidates. Of this number, only 9,845 students (16.5%) passed the language proficiency assessment criteria. The remaining 83.5% (49,931 people) showed insufficient knowledge of grammar. Compared to the 2019 survey, the number of disapprovals increased by 67%, and the rate was 50%.

According to a survey conducted by Catho last year, mistakes in the Portuguese language in the curriculum are also a reason for the exclusion of candidates who, for this reason, may not even be called for an interview. For the interviewed recruiters, errors in Portuguese may indicate a lack of knowledge of the language and inattention in the preparation of the curriculum.

However, when it comes to errors in Portuguese on a resume, according to a survey conducted by specialized recruiting company Robert Half, just two typos are enough to exclude a candidate from the selection process.

Free content to learn Portuguese

O Enema Guide is a site that collects free materials from various disciplines, including the Portuguese language. The site contains articles summarizing the main areas of knowledge. For each discipline, there are different texts focused on the most up-to-date information.

For those who prefer to learn by video, YouTube has free content provided by various educational institutions and teachers who prepare lessons in different areas of knowledge. An example is the channel Educa Mais Brasil Explain, which contains playlist free with objective classes for students of different ages.

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