
COVID-19. The brothel offers half an hour with the “woman of choice” in exchange for the vaccine.



OGovernments and various organizations around the world have offered all kinds of rewards to different members of the population who decide to get the Covid-19 vaccine. We’ve already heard about lotteries, prize money and coupons that can be spent in supermarkets to “convince” the population, but this brothel in Vienna, Austria, goes one step further: offering customers half an hour with “wife choice”.

During the time when Sky Newsonly 64% of the Austrian population have received a full vaccination against the new coronavirus, and those who have not received it are prohibited from visiting cafes, restaurants and hairdressers, this institution decided to “ innovate. ”

The Fun Palast, as the brothel is called, wants to increase vaccination rates and, to that end, is distributing vouchers for free admission to those who vaccinate themselves. In exchange for the vaccine, clients receive a 30-minute session with a professional of their choice.

Even because the pandemic has also affected business. The initiative also aims to have the number of customers increase again after falling by about 50% due to the new coronavirus.

As a reminder, last Saturday Austria reported the highest number of daily cases since the start of the pandemic – 9,943, breaking the November 2020 record.

Read also: Austria bans access for unvaccinated people to cafes and events

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