
Councilor Samir Malta talks about his political future after the 2022 elections – Correio dos Municípios



Following the 2022 elections and summarizing their results, Councilor Samyr Malta gave an interview and spoke a little about his plans for 2023, as well as the political scenario in Alagoas after the election period. For Samyr Malta, 2023 will be a turning point. “I left this year to take care of my health, and shortly after that, there was an election in October that was aggressive and strong for everyone. Unfortunately, I made a mistake in my strategy, and I am grateful for the votes received. In 2023, I will focus my mandate on social action to continue to help the people of Maceio,” said the adviser.

Asked about his future in the SDP and his relationship with former Mayor Maceio, Samir Malta was adamant that he had lost contact with the then candidate since the middle of this year’s first round of elections and that he did not intend to remain in parliament. a party. “This is the first time I am talking about this openly. The issue of withdrawal was related to the electoral fund, where the male deputy candidates did not receive any funds and this was detrimental to my candidacy and the candidates of others, it upset me. But it’s a page turned and life goes on. Regarding my withdrawal from the party, I am awaiting a legal opinion in order to formalize my withdrawal from the party without any problems,” Malta said.

Speaking about his political future, Samyr Malta left it open. “I can be a candidate for mayor of Mata Grande, yes I can. It’s a dream, but I let things happen. I will always be vigilant, I will not leave my city. I will always be there. The policy of the majority is a set of factors, I do not exclude this and I do not exclude that I will continue to be an adviser in Maceio, but it is too early to make a decision,” concludes Samyr Malta.

Askom Sameer Malta

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