
Chris Noth, accused of rape, loses contracts and destroys marriage



Chris Noth, 67, was alerted earlier this month after two women accused him of crimes of sexual assault and rape.

The charges were serious, and even after the actor denied the crimes allegedly committed in 2004 and 2015, the negative consequences continue.

The talent agency for the actor who brought Mr. Big to life in Sex and the City, the A3 Artists Agency, has decided to no longer represent him.

An agent’s decision can have a huge impact on your career, but it is far from the only consequence that can affect your finances. Chris Noth’s tequila brand, called Ambhar, was going to be bought by Entertainment Arts Research, which after the scandal decided to abandon the deal with the millionaire. A company spokesman confirmed in statements to the New York Post that it was not interested in talking to the actor.

In the end, he believed that the controversy may have reached even Chris Noth’s wedding. According to the newspaper The Sun, the actor’s wife Tara Lynn Wilson is “very upset” about the situation and is thinking about spending Christmas away from him.

Despite the fact that she did not believe that her husband had committed the crimes of which he was accused, Tara does not forgive the fact that in this way she found out that her husband was cheating on her.

At the time of the last indictment, which dates from 2015, Chris and Tara were already married. And the truth is, despite his denial of sexual assault, the actor confirmed the meetings with the alleged victims and stated that they were “agreed.”

See also: Chris Noth, actor of the TV series “Sex and the City”, accused of rape

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