
Bolsonaro is depressed and should stay away from politics for three months, the newspaper writes.




This is a fact or event of journalistic interest. This may be new or recent information. This also applies to the novelty of an already known situation.


Mostly original text. Expresses the opinion of the author, but not necessarily the opinion of the newspaper. It can be written by journalists or experts from different fields.


A report that contains unknown facts or episodes with a pronounced denunciatory content. This requires special methods and resources.

Content commerce

Editorial content that offers the reader conditions for making purchases.


This is the interpretation of the news, taking into account information that goes beyond the facts told. It uses data, brings events and scenario forecasts, and past contexts.


Analytical text that translates the official position of the vehicle in relation to the facts in question.


This is an institutional article on a topic of interest to the company sponsoring the report.

fact checking

Content that confirms the accuracy and authenticity of the disclosed information or facts.


This is an article that brings subsidies, historical data and relevant information to help understand a fact or news.


An exciting report that details the various aspects and developments of this topic. It brings data, statistics, historical context, as well as the stories of characters that are affected by or directly related to the topic in question.


A subject-specific approach in which the subject is presented in a question and answer format. Another way to publish interviews is through threads, where the interviewee’s answer is reproduced in quotation marks.


A text with detailed analysis and a subjective nature about products, services and works of art in a wide range of fields such as literature, music, film and visual arts.

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