
Bitcoin will be harder to set up mining tomorrow



After the attacks of China Bitcoin (BTC) will have the largest negative mining difficulty setting in its history. The fall will be 27.14%, from 19.93 tons to 14.52 tons.

An adjustment is expected considering the drop in the BTC hash rate in recent days and its impact on the network. The adjustment is expected to take place at dawn on Saturday (3).

Difficulty adjustment

Difficulty is a metric used to measure the difficulty of mining a block. The higher it is, the more difficult it is to get the block.

The change happens every 2016 blocks to keep the time it takes to mine a block of bitcoins stable. That is, it is a dynamic metric.

As miners move their activities after attacks in China, the hash rate has dropped. Thus, the difficulty adapts to the new reality of the mining market.

Diagram in time required to mine a block Bitcoin it’s ten minutes. However, this period may vary slightly depending on network conditions.

In recent days, block mining has taken a little longer. One of them even took almost three hours.

This fact shows that the difficulty of mining is too high for the current hash rate. Thus, a significant reduction in complexity is justified.

Keep track of difficulties

Along with the price of bitcoins, the deciding factor for miners is complexity. This is what determines whether more computers are turned on or some of them turned off.

The current moment requires a difficulty adjustment, since mining pools were previously located in China are reorganized.

Kazakhstan, the USA and even El Salvador are new destinations for miners. As the reorganization progresses, the total mining power of the Bitcoin network is decreasing.

In any case, this is a temporary complication. China has previously invested against cryptocurrenciesbut was never able to end Bitcoin.

This time it will hardly be otherwise.

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