
Army Summit Increases Pressure to Send Pasuello to Reserve After Action with Bolsonaro | Brazil and politics



Army leaders reacted badly to the departure of incumbent General Eduardo Pasuello, a former health minister, to a political act in the company of President Jair Bolsonaro this Sunday in Rio.

According to reports compiled by the O Globo newspaper, the chartered generals are that Pasuello should be forced to retire after this episode. The source heard that the week could be “decisive” for the fate of the military.

The general’s intention to ask for resignation was already present in the army command when he was a minister, but now it has intensified due to the increased participation of Pasuello in political action along with Bolsonaro, who made the general travel. across Brazil.

However, Pasuello’s visit to the Sunday act caused particular irritation among the army leadership.

Pasuello has become one of the recent CPI Covid targets in the Senate, in addition to clashing with other investigating bodies such as the Federal Ministry of State and the Audit Office.

The military fears that the presence of the general in political acts will damage the institution’s image due to excessive communication between the army and the government.

As Globo columnist Malu Gaspar pointed out, Pasuello’s participation in the demonstration could also lead to the army punishing him. The decision will remain with the commander of the army, Paulo Sergio Nogueira de Oliveira.

Under the Military Statute and the Army Disciplinary Regulations, serving officers are prohibited from participating in collective political demonstrations.

President Jair Bolsonaro joins supporters in a rally at Monumento aos Pracinhas, in Aterro do Flamengo, south of Rio – Photo: Fernando Frazão / Agência Brasil

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