
Are you in bad shape and need motivation? Learn How To Train With The Boston Dynamics Atlas – Multimedia



Boston Dynamics again surprises with the demonstration of the gymnastic capabilities of its Atlas robots. To test the new acrobatic behavior, two robots were used in a parkour session, which the company highlights as the perfect sandbox for testing movement. In addition to Atlas’ athletic form, the jumping and the way he overcomes obstacles displays a refined balance.

A specialized robotics company, and which was recently bought by Hyundai, highlights how he manages to push the Atlas to its limits, showcasing a new generation of mobility, perception and athletic intelligence. The video not only showcases a series of exercises performed to perfection, but eventually the duo also becomes mortal, ending with a moment of relaxed “bragging” between them.

Watch the Atlas parkour session in the video:

Another “building” video posted by the company explains how robots are “trained”. Atlas is battery powered and has hydraulic movements providing 28 degrees of freedom, backed by RGB cameras and depth sensors that provide information to your control system. The robot has three computers on which all calculations of perception, control and evaluation are performed. The robot works as a guinea pig for the company’s research and development team, which is encouraged to push the machine to its limits, including crazy stunts.

The use of parkour in the experiment poses several important tasks, such as the creation of a mobile robot with a high energy density, capable of performing sports exercises; development of control algorithms that can support and reliably manage various behaviors; By linking perception to action, both capture long-term goals, such as moving from point A to point B, as well as short-term goals, such as adjusting your steps and applying corrective forces to maintain balance.

Watch a video that explains how robots learn:

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