
“Aras is the most political of the PGR”, says the reader – 08/19/2021 – Readers panel



Augusto Aras
“There was no oversight in Bolsonaro, and the PGR does not accept politics” (Poder, 19/8). I couldn’t get to the end of this interview. It’s bullshit to think it’s deceiving readers. Aras is the most political of the PGR. When he hides, when he passes, he is acting politically, in favor of his own personal interests (STF) or the ideological interests of the president – perhaps also his own.
Marco Bilibio (Brasilia DF)

To be silent does not mean not to engage in politics. Job security is a good neighborly policy.
Alexander Barbierato (Sao Paulo-SP)

The young man’s vanity – “look at my lattes” – is so pathetic that he doesn’t even pretend to flatter his boss, striving to take a seat at STF to hang a small diploma on the wall. Disguise, man!
Daniel Alvarez (Sao Paulo-SP)

In my opinion, there is a contradiction in the speech of the Prosecutor General of the Republic. First, he states that the position of assistant attorney represents PGR and therefore does not need to prove himself. But later, in the case of the obligation to wear masks, he says that this is a special position of assistant attorney. I really didn’t get it …
Maria de Lourdes Vasconcelos (Itatiba, IP)

In what is fundamental in protecting the Constitution against the current electoral law recently reaffirmed by the House, Aras said what he should. But, of course, reporters try to gossip.
Jose Cardoso (Sao Paulo-SP)

The country that was able to elect Jair Bolsonara to the post of president of the republic really deserves to have the republic’s attorney general on this lawsuit.

“Pacheco waves to Bolsonar and opens the Senate process for the nomination of Mendonza and Aras” (Poder, 19/8). The triple list is no longer valid? It must be the law. I hope the senators respect the triple list and will not vote for the re-appointment of Augusto Aras.
Evonirde Kota (Belo Horizonte, MG)

If senators had any remnant of dignity, they should scrutinize two of Jair Bolsonaro’s candidates and reject them, asking the president to nominate the GRR triple-list and appoint a Supreme Court minister for legal knowledge, not horrific evangelism.

A hundred years
I endorse the content of Dr. Alexander Kalache’s article published this Thursday (“Fight to Make Your Voice Heard,” Corrida, 19/8). Boldly testify. And it is very appropriate, since this is a comparison between two of his own experiences: one in which civil society was present, and the current one, when civil society is out of sight.
Eva Bettin (Sao Paulo-SP)

The Bolsonaro government revoked citizenship from various groups, including the elderly, when it abolished councils and representations. “Will we reach a hundred if we do not return the most precious thing – full citizenship?” Alexander Kalash objectively described a grim picture. And so he refused to participate in the event. You are absolutely right.
Elian Brigida Falcao (Rio de Janeiro – RJ)

Classification old age as a disease in ICD-11 (International Classification of Diseases). In his recent article in this edition, Aleksandr Kalache translates our voice, the voice of thousands of people who value aging and are struggling to include people over the age of 60 in diversity. If this classification remains in effect, it will be disastrous for all walks of life. # old age is a disease.
Lina Menezes, Director of Faz Bem – Saúde e Longevidade (Sao Paulo, IP)

“According to Milton Ribeiro, the great shortage of children prevents them from living together in the classroom” (Educação, 19/8). Is this a eugenic process in the Brazilian government? If yes, then it looks like from the distant twentieth century you mean that a child with autism interferes with learning? And didn’t he, the minister, say that a public and free university is for a few?
Rubens Gonçalves (Curitiba, OL)

Then I understand that the minister of education, the evangelical pastor, thinks that the child should be kept in captivity. And these goats still call themselves Christians.

Solar energy
It is absurd to charge a tariff for producers and consumers of solar energy, especially at a time when it is necessary to use it to reduce water consumption by hydroelectric power plants (“Chamber approves the collection of tariffs for consumers using solar energy”, Mercado, 19/8). Rather than creating mechanisms to stimulate and strengthen alternative forms of energy, established politicians set tariffs and do not offer solutions to return services.
Jose William L. Oliveira (Sorokaba, SP)

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