
Appraisal of permanent houses new maximum at 1200 Euro / m2 – Loan



The cost at which banks evaluate mortgage houses hit a new record in April at € 1,200 per square meter, according to data data published by the National Institute of Statistics (INE)

According to the data provided by the institute this Thursday, the rate rose by 8% and 1.1% year on year compared to March, the month when the bank house’s valuation reached an average of 1,187 euros per square meter. …

As in the previous month, there was an increase in the number of assessments in April compared to the same month of the previous year, when the pandemic affected new loans to buy a home. The number of reviewed bank assessments was about 28 thousand, which is 29.6% more than in the same period last year.

The largest increase from the previous month was recorded in the Autonomous Region of Madeira (2.3%), with the only decline in Alentejo (-0.5%), ahead of INE. On an annualized basis, the median value of the estimates increased by 8%, with the most intense variation in the North (7.9%) and the smallest in the Azores Autonomous Region (3.6%).

The average bank appraisal of apartments was € 1,314 / m2, an increase of 8.6% compared to April 2020, while the bank appraisal of houses reached € 1,000 / m2 in April, an increase of 6.5% over April 2020. with the same month. the previous year.

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