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An Overview of Satellite Technology by Sahm Adrangi of Kerrisdale Capital



Each and every day, an estimated 119.9 million households in the United States sit down in front of their television sets to be entertained. While many Americans have this activity in common, how they choose to watch this content can vary. Some consumers opt for a traditional cable connection, and others have opted to “cut the cord” completely and turn to popular streaming services to meet their viewing needs. A third option, satellite TV, has also been a popular choice amongst those seeking to binge-watch their favorite sitcoms, cheer on their favored sports team, or bake along with a cooking program. I am Sahm Adrangi, and I am the founder and CIO of Kerrisdale Capital Management. Kerrisdale Capital explores a variety of industries, and during my time there, I became familiar with satellite technology.

Sahm Adrangi Reviews The History of Satellite TV

Believe it or not, Satellite TV was first introduced on July 23, 1962. This was an important moment in history as viewers around the world gathered in their living rooms to witness the big change that was occurring in the television industry. In order to make this historic moment possible, technological professionals transferred data, sill images, and phone calls across the Atlantic Ocean. With the help of a 170 pound satellite, viewers across the planet were able to be impressed by the newest advances to technology.

Benefits of Satellite Technology Discussed by Sahm Adrangi

While working at Kerrisdale Capital, I Sahm Adrangi, learned about some of the main benefits of Satellite technology. In addition to this tool being an effective option for broadcasting television in populated areas, it can also be helpful for areas that are normally more challenging to provide service to. Thanks to the expansion of this television option, families even in rural areas don’t have to feel left out and should be able to enjoy any broadcasted content they want. It can also provide a greater array of choices for those seeking to set up phone communication or a wireless connection.

Sahm Adrangi’s Final Thoughts on the Satellite Industry

As Sahm Adrangi from Kerrisdale Capital Management, this form of technology was something I researched. Satellite TV grew in popularity because it did not alienate potential customers who choose to live in rural areas and were not able to sign up for cable TV plans or internet streaming services. There are also consumers who have reported that they receive a clearer picture with their satellite services thanks to a more reliable signal being sent out. However, those who have selected to purchase from businesses that sell satellite TV plans have also shared their frustration with the manner in which they watch TV. This is because the weather is unpredictable and when heavy rain hits their area, it can negatively affect their satellite signal and interrupt their viewing. Since the satellite industry has both pros and cons, it is truly up to the consumer to determine which option works better for their household.

About Sahm Adrangi

It was 2009 when Sahm Adrangi became the founder and CIO of  Kerrisdale Capital Management. Mr. Adrangi went to school at Yale University where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Economics. He began financial career in credit and later gained investment banking experience. Sahm Adrangi has published research and has been interviewed by CNBC and Bloomberg.

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