
An International Space Station astronaut photographs stunning blue spheres hovering above the Earth.



Last year, an International Space Station astronaut captured mysterious blue orbs in the sky. NASA Earth Observatory share photo Also last year, shortly after I took it. The photo was taken as the International Space Station passed through Southeast Asia. The celestial bodies that appear in nature outside the Earth are not as mysterious as one might think.

An Earth observatory is watching our planet while the International Space Station makes its rounds, looking for anything that can help scientists know and understand things better. The observatory took a picture earlier Newborn in the Pacific Island. This image, along with the image of mysterious blue orbs in the sky, could give scientists new data to study.

The image of the mysterious blue spheres in the sky was taken by a member of the Expedition 66 crew on October 30, 2021 – about a year ago. The image was taken by a 28mm Nikon D5 digital camera, NASA’s Earth Observatory notes in a post on its website.

While the image may cause some anxiety for anyone looking at it out of context, the mysterious blue orbs are nothing to be afraid of. Instead, both fields have good logical reasons for their existence, says NASA. The first orb, which is near the bottom center of the image, is the lightning bolt.

Image Source: NASA Earth Observatory.

They are usually hidden by dragging. However, since clouds were not exceptionally heavy in this region of the world, an International Space Station astronaut was able to catch the mysterious blue orb in the sky that you see in the image above.

The second mysterious orb that appears on the right edge of the image is actually the moon. Our Moon is a natural reflector of light, so it is as bright as it is in the night sky. However, on this particular night, given where it is in relation to the photographer, it looks more like a mysterious blue circle in the sky than the moon we look at every day.

However, even with these mundane explanations behind the orbs, seeing these bright blue orbs floating in the sky is breathtaking and the image itself is very mesmerizing. We hope those aboard the International Space Station will continue to take exceptional images like this, even NASA Suspends International Space Station Operations Somewhere in 2030.

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