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Amortize loans or invest? see solution



Amortizar créditos ou investir? Veja a solução

At the end of July, there were 82.7 billion euros of customer deposits in the vaults of Portuguese banks. The data was released by Banco de Portugal (BdP) and represents the highest value ever, up 7.2% compared to the same month in 2021.

The amount that can lead the Portuguese to make a decision: to pay off debts associated with a loan, namely housing, or to invest in financial investments. But before you make a decision, do some math, because it’s not always easy to choose the best solution.

Between amortization and investment, the consumer can always save either through the interest he stops paying on the loan or through the income from the investment. Of course, in the first place in the analysis should be the profile of the family and what they value most: whether it is reducing expenses when paying off a mortgage or personal loan, whether it is the security of future times.

In the case of mortgages, given the low interest rates currently practiced, in most cases it is not worth paying, especially if the spread is very low – a common situation for loans taken up to five or six years ago.

In this case, the money will do more good if it is invested in a risk-free application, but then the challenge is to find the product with the best rate of return (see column on the side). However, if the Euribor rises, depreciation may be the best option. In the case of a personal loan, it is almost always preferable to amortize it due to the high interest rates involved.

How to compare rates The first golden rule is to compare interest rates on a loan and an investment product annually, as the situation can change in a short time.

The formula is simple: analyze the interest rate applied to the loan – TAN (index rate plus spread) – and also take into account the rate of the application you are about to file, TANL (net nominal annual rate). To better understand this analysis, consider the TAN of a loan as the cost you incur for the loan and TANL as the return on investment. Knowing the two rates, choose amortization if TAN is higher than TANL, since the savings realized in interest payable on the loan will be greater than the return on investment.

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If you have a fixed rate mortgage, in principle you don’t have to worry about rate fluctuations as a result of the Euribor hike, making comparisons easier. However, keep in mind that in this case, the fee for early repayment is higher: 2% compared to 0.5% for floating rate loans.

If you repay part of the debt, it must match the payment due date. If the reimbursement is motivated by death, unemployment or business travel, it is exempt from commissions. Banks may not charge additional fees or increase the penalty to the maximum on contracts that provide for a lower percentage or exemption. And these rules apply to new and old contracts, for the purchase, construction and work in own and permanent housing, resale or lease and acquisition of land to build your own home.

Indeed, with a partial repayment of 20,000 euros, the commission cannot exceed 100 euros for a loan with a variable rate and 400 euros for a loan with a fixed rate. You have up to seven working days to inform the bank by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.

However, if you have an adjustable rate mortgage with a spread of up to 2.5%, then you can invest in a risk-free application (see column on the side), capitalizing on interest to increase income. In the case of a personal loan, amortization is almost always the best alternative.

Risk free investment products

Annual returns of 3%, 4% or even 5% on guaranteed capital and low-risk savings products are a thing of the past. The interest currently charged is at a low level and there are banks that no longer pay out term deposits. However, look at the alternatives.

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Term deposits

If the simplicity of this savings product is one of its strengths, then the reward rate offered makes the app less and less attractive. Although it has been losing followers in recent years, it is still one of the favorite savings instruments of the Portuguese.

Consumers’ low monthly income, competition from other savings products, and reward cuts explain this downward trend.

Savings certificates

This product, which in previous years was considered a real alternative to savings, is increasingly losing ground due to the low rate of return. It is calculated based on the three-month average Euribor observed over the previous ten business days plus 1%. But expect small rewards.

Treasury Growth Savings Certificates

The interest rate increases: 0.75% (gross interest) is paid in the first and second years, which rises to 1.05% in the third year, 1.35% in the fourth, 1.65% in the fifth and 1.95% in the fifth year. sixth, to reach 2.25% last year. From the 2nd year, the interest rate increases by a premium, depending on the real average growth of the gross domestic product (GDP).

Investment Tips

1. Consider the unexpected

Monetize added value. Before investing, consider whether you really need this money. If you come to the conclusion that you don’t need it, you can start using that extra money to make the best use of it. Don’t forget that you should set aside three to six months of money for household expenses so that you can deal with any unforeseen circumstances. This applies, for example, to health care costs.

2. Investments for the long term

Stock market. Always think long term, especially if you are thinking about betting on the stock market. The explanation is simple: the more time you spend on your investments, the more you can risk and the more you can monetize. You should invest for at least five years – ten years is good, 20 years is even better so that the amount invested in stocks is maximum and can minimize temporary losses.

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3. Don’t invest everything in the same

Diversify your investments. Not putting all your eggs in one basket is one of the golden rules you should follow when thinking about investing. This means that you do not have to own only one security or securities of companies whose profits depend on a similar business. In the event of a change in the legal regime, your assets may undergo profound changes.

4. Don’t bet on something you don’t understand.

Information. If you don’t understand the product a company is selling, don’t buy stock. If you want to invest in government debt but don’t understand how Treasury bonds work, buy savings certificates. If you do not understand the description of the investment policy in the fund’s prospectus, do not subscribe. If the term deposit offered to you has an interest rate formula, exchange it for a deposit with a simple interest rate.

5. Don’t go into debt

Compare offers. It is a mortal sin for an investor to finance himself in order to invest. If your investment depreciates, the loan has a loss multiplier effect. If your investment grows, the loan will absorb the effect of profits. Whatever the outcome, investment loans never work. Only one entity always wins: the bank, regardless of whether the investor wins or loses.

6. Consider your profile

Take a risk or not. If you have a conservative profile, the investor intends to keep the amount invested and choose low-risk products. If you are moderate, you are already ready to take significant risks in investments and your choice, for example, in real estate funds. If he is dynamic, he takes on high risk in stock decisions and bets.

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Everything has been delivered. 10 Bugatti Centodieci are already in the hands of the owners



Everything has been delivered.  10 Bugatti Centodieci are already in the hands of the owners

OAll Bugatti Centodieci have been delivered, the Molsheim-based brand said on Monday. Cristiano Ronaldo received the number 07 in October this year. and Bugatti has now revealed that the latest unit – #10 – is already in the possession of its owner.

“The Centodieci combines all the values ​​of the Bugatti brand in an extraordinary package: rarity, innovation, heritage, craftsmanship and unrivaled performance. The production batch of 10 units was so in demand by our customers that it was sold before the Centodieci. was even officially presented,” said Christophe Piochon, president of Bugatti.

This latest example is finished in Quartz White with carbon fiber trim on the bottom and matte grilles. The brake calipers are painted in Light Blue Sport, as is the logo on the rear that refers to the EB110, the iconic Bugatti model that inspired this Centodieci. Inside, the predominant color is also blue, as you can see in the images above.

This block is powered by the same block as the other nine instances. The 8.0-liter W16 with four turbines is capable of developing 1600 hp. In terms of performance, this allows the Centodieci to hit 100 km/h in just 2.4 seconds and reach a top speed of 380 km/h.

Recall that each unit costs the owners eight million euros before taxes.

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The first Dacia hybrid. “The cheapest hybrid family on the market”



The first Dacia hybrid.  "The cheapest hybrid family on the market"

BUT Dacia revealed this Monday that the hybrid engine has been available since March on the Jogger, the Romanian brand’s model known to be available with a seven-seat variant.

The Jogger Hybrid 140, Dacia’s first hybrid, will hit dealerships in March, but customers can expect and order it as early as January.

The price has been revealed by Dacia and since it’s only available in the seven-seater SL Extreme, it starts at €28,800. The brand claims it is “the most affordable hybrid family car on the market.”

Available in six existing colors to celebrate the launch of this hybrid, there will be a slate gray version, as you can see in the images above.

Equipped with a 1.6 liter four-cylinder petrol engine with 90 hp, the Jogger is also powered by two electric motors (a 50 hp engine and a high-voltage starter-generator). The total power is 140 horsepower. The electric transmission is automatic, four-speed, connected to an internal combustion engine, and two speeds are connected to an electric motor. This combined technology was possible, according to Dacia, only due to the lack of clutch.

Combined with the energy recovery levels of the 1.2kWh (230V) battery pack and the efficiency of the automatic transmission, regenerative braking delivers all-electric traction on 80% of urban journeys and saves up to 40% of fuel compared to a combustion engine vehicle.

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See how Tesla tests its electric Semi truck in the worst-case scenarios



Tesla Semi camião elétrico testes

Tesla has finally been able to bring its long-awaited Semi to market. This electric truck promises to revolutionize transportation and bring all the unique characteristics of this type of electric vehicle to this class of vehicles.

Now that the first units have been delivered, there is hope that they will finally be mass-produced and reach more transport companies. With so many promises to be kept, a new video is now emerging showing Tesla testing its Semi truck under worst-case scenarios.

Tesla Semi is already on the market

Like all Tesla electric vehicles, Semi follows the same line of creating a unique design associated with a platform with the most modern technology available. The proof is in what was presented to the public and surprised most people.

To prove the quality of this new proposal, Tesla published in your LinkedIn account new video. In it, he reveals some of the testing he's done to determine the strength and quality of the Semi's design and its (potential) durability.

Tests to prove its durability

It has been revealed that the Tesla electric truck is subjected to numerous tests and its application in the worst scenarios that drivers may face. It doesn't stop at the ruggedness of the Semi's designs, but goes further and focuses on the motors and batteries themselves.

This is the proof that many have been waiting for to ensure that this new proposal is not limited to a lot of autonomy. Its resistance is great and will provide greater durability, further enhancing the Semi's value and performance.

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high quality electric truck

Tesla has already showcased the Semi's quality with a video showing its truck driving roughly 500 miles on just one charge. The big news here is that he managed to make this long journey with a maximum load of about 37 tons.

Now Tesla remains to widely place the Semi on the market. At the moment, only a few companies have access to this new product, with a very long list of pending deliveries, who want to start mass-using this electric truck offering.

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