
A fan shows how Doom works in Windows Notepad; watch



Year 2022 – 29 years after release Rock on PC. It should no longer be a surprise when we see a classic game ID Software run somewhere unexpectedly, but it continues. This time the platform was nothing but Notebook do windu.

The feat of that time was the work of the user Samperson, who showed the result, still at the preliminary stage, in the video (warning for people with photosensitivity: video contains flashing lights).

As you can see, the game’s graphics have been transferred to the characters, creating visuals that are hard to look at but still mesmerizing. The version even has sound, a feature we don’t usually associate with a classic note-taking program.

As Samperson notes in the video description, the video is not sped up and the game actually runs at 60fps. It also ensures that no changes have been made to the notepad.exe application.

On Twitter, he states that “it will take a little more work to polish NotepadDOOM into something that can be released, but it will almost certainly happen in the next few days.” If you’re interested in checking out this marvelous work, it’s worth keeping an eye out.

if you follow Rock, knows this is just another case of fans causing the game to launch in unexpected places. Recently, the title was placed on an agricultural tractorwhile Twitter has also become a platform where games can be played. classic game.

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