
A diver finds a 900-year-old sword of the Crusades



NDuring a recent dive in the waters off the coast of Carmel, Israel, Shlomi Katzin discovered anchors, pottery shards that are hundreds of years old, and a crusade sword that archaeologists say is almost a thousand years old, according to The New York Times.

Experts say this sword is about 900 years old, weighs 1.8 kilograms and measures 1.2 meters, and dates from the Third Crusade.

The discovery was well received in Israel, a country that is very proud of its history and has a law requiring any artifacts found to be turned over to the authorities.

Yaakov Sharvit, director of the Department of Maritime Archeology at the Israel Antiquities Authority, called the discovery of this sword “extremely rare.” Despite the fact that the sword was covered with shells, it is well preserved.

“It’s okay to find swords in poor condition, but this one was found underwater – and underwater it was in very good condition. This is the first time we’ve found such a beautiful sword, ”Sharvith said on Monday.

Experts note that the sword belonged to a knight who fell into the water or lost his sword during a battle near the beach.

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