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“My voice was not drowned out, but amplified,” says



“My voice was not drowned out, but amplified,” says

After his powers were suspended for Decision by Minister Luis Roberto Barroso, Renato Freitas declares that “truth has been restored”. He said he emerged stronger from a process marked by allegations of racism and political persecution. “If the goal was to silence my voice, the result would be just the opposite. Today, my voice was not only not muffled, but also amplified. People everywhere in Brazil listen to what I say,” he notes.

On Tuesday (27) Freitas gave an interview Brazil de Fact Parana and spoke about the impeachment process, the decision that restored his mandate in the House of Curitiba, his relationship with the Catholic Church and his meeting with Pope Francis in Italy, as well as proposals for his candidacy for the post of Deputy of the State of Parana.

The full interview can be viewed at Brazil’s YouTube channel of Fato Parana. Check out the excerpts below:

Brasil de Fato Paraná – What does this decision of Barroso mean and what do you expect from this moment regarding the Chamber, which has already indicated that it will challenge the decision?

Renato Freitas: The minister’s decision was the decision that restored the truth. I was charged with four. The first two: that I broke into the church and interrupted mass. The church’s own internal diagram indicated that Mass had already ended. Then it fell to the ground. It was construction fake news. In addition to the fact that it was empty, since there was no service, the church was open. And that’s why we feel comfortable at the entrance, as it is the church of Rosario dos Negros, built so that blacks can practice their faith and cry out for freedom and life.

Third: disrespect for the church, the priest. The priest himself said that he was not insulted. Then it fell to the ground. And the speaker Sydney Toaldo, in his opinion, admitted it.

The last is that I have made a political act within the church. See what a common charge. Crying for life – a political act? THIS IS. If this is a political act, then the very foundation of this church, built by black hands to call for life and liberty, was a political act. So there is nothing more just than to honor the memory of our ancestors. There is no repentance, because there was the fulfillment of Christian principles. We brought one crucified to the kiosk to take communion with the one crucified on the cross.

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BdF – I would like you to talk about your relationship with the Catholic Church. You have been invited to a meeting with Pope Francis. What were these relationships like?

Father Louis Hass from the church was at the demonstration on that fateful day with a banner to prevent me from being held accountable. At the meeting, which I was deprived of, the priest was sitting in the front row. He gave interviews saying that it was unfair, that it was persecution based on racism.

Bishop Dom Peruzzo of the Archdiocese of Curitiba made a note that there was no reason to cancel my mandate. We believe that the church strengthened us in this process because she was sensitive enough to understand the urgency of our demands and the respect we had for the Christian faith. Christian theology is the theology of the oppressed. The word must speak first of all by example. What is the role of religious institutions in a society where genocide continues?

You talked about my meeting with the Pope… we had the opportunity to talk with the Pope, especially in connection with the rise of fascism all over the world, including in Europe. The day after I left Italy, a far-right candidate was elected. The catastrophes of Europe are always exported to third world countries.

BdF – How do you get out of this process? Do you feel like you have moved from being an activist in Curitiba to being a national leader?

[O processo de cassação] it was an organized attack by political power, public security forces and conservative sections of civil society, of which there are many here in Curitiba. All of them attacked us in an organized manner and presented us in a negative light. This made us vulnerable. At this point, many turned away.

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Even, I can’t help but say, the Labor Party itself, in the person of the state president, who made a ridiculous note that I should apologize to the society of Parana, to the church, to the party, and even got the courage – or cowardice – to declare that the PT did not participate in the demonstration . Since the party issued a call for a demonstration, the last candidate for Mayor of Curitiba was with the organization [pelo partido] was in the church, the black sector was inside the church. This attempt to get out of the process and leave me alone, I’m so sorry.

What saved me was the foundation of the party, which I am very proud of, which did not allow me to be sacrificed in the name of low electoral politics, which puts everything on the calculator and in doing so sacrifices the truth. I came out reinforced because the base assessed the top of the pyramid and said “we don’t admit it” and forced the management to reconsider their position.

And after that, the truth came out and in general a lot of people began to support me. If the goal was to silence me, the result was just the opposite. Today, my voice was not only not muffled, but also amplified. People everywhere in Brazil listen to what I say, and as a result, I became an example in the struggle for life, for dignity, for the life of black people. I came out much stronger. Everywhere I find people who welcome my ideas.

BdF – After this process in the House, you run for Parliament from the State of Paraná. What flags do you want to take with you to the Legislative Assembly (Alep)?

The first is related to agrarian reform. I think one of the big problems of Paraná politics is the concentration of power in the hands of the age-old aristocracy. This aristocracy is largely land-based. These are colonels, heirs of the Brazilian process of enslavement, who still exist, such as the Lupión family, the Malucelli family, the Macedo family – the current mayor of Curitiba, Rafael Grec de Macedo. And all these families with large farms concentrate their income. Land reform is becoming increasingly relevant, primarily as part of the political reform process.

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Second, urban reform. The city of Curitiba itself is an example of this: hygienic, unequal. You leave the center of Curitiba, rich areas, and goes to Kasimba. You will leave HDI [Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano] from the Nordic countries and sent directly to HDI Sierra Leone, Cambodia. Is this allowed? No way. It is an invisible war, an undeclared war, but a war nonetheless.

Then militarization. Parana’s military police are the fifth most lethal and brutal in Brazil. This is unacceptable in any democracy, in any country where human life is valued. We will fight such policies that are part of the genocide project.

And we will also condemn what was done in the dismantling of education. Unicesumar, a mafia scheme to make money from poor, unstructured and incompetent education. This is the consensus between pupils and teachers, everyone says that this is a failed project, which is supported only by fictitious alliances with the authorities, with Ratinho Jr. [atual governador do estado]. [Além disso] militarization of schools: youth, children need creativity. Militarization kills creativity, reduces human capabilities. Against home schoolingthat is, to give the rich the opportunity to pay private tutors, as was the case in the Middle Ages.

These are some of the struggles that I consider to be structural for fighting this century old elite.

:: Watch full interview ::

Source: BDF Parana

Editing: Leah Bianchini

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The dollar continues to reflect the political scenario



The dollar continues to reflect the political scenario

Yesterday, financial agents evaluated the opposite decision of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) regarding the so-called secret budget. In addition, a decision was made by STF Minister Gilmar Méndez to issue an injunction that would exclude the Bolsa Família from the spending cap rule, with investors trying to understand how this measure would affect the processing of the transitional PEC in the Chamber of Deputies. Oh this PEC!!!!

Since he is an exchange investor, any reading that the budget will be exceeded or become more flexible will negatively affect the exchange market, whether through the PEC or in any other way. We will continue with volatility today.

Looking beyond, the US Central Bank (Fed), although slowing down the pace of monetary tightening at its December meeting, issued a tougher-than-expected statement warning that its fight against inflation was not yet over, raising fears that rising US interest rates will push the world’s largest economy into recession.

The currency market continues to react to political news. The voting on the PEC is saved for today. It is expected that it will indeed be reviewed to open the way tomorrow for discussions on the 2023 budget.

Yesterday, the spot price closed the selling day at R$5.3103.

For today on the calendar we will have an index of consumer confidence in the eurozone. Good luck and good luck in business!!

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Andrés Sánchez consults with the Ministry of Sports, but refuses a political post.



The former president of the Corinthians dreams of working for the CBF as a national team coordinator. He was consulted shortly after Lula’s election.

Former Corinthians president Andrés Sánchez was advised to take a position in the Ministry of Sports under the administration of Lula (PT). However, he ruled out a return to politics. dreams of taking over the coordination of CBF selectionHow do you know PURPOSE.

No formal invitation was made to the former Corinthian representative, only a consultation on a portfolio opportunity with the new federal government, which will be sworn in on January 1, 2023.

Andrés was the Federal MP for São Paulo from 2015 to 2019. At that time he was elected by the Workers’ Party. However, the football manager begs to stay in the sport, ruling out the possibility of getting involved in politics again.

Andrés Sanchez’s desire is to fill the position of CBF tackle coordinator, which should become vacant after the 2022 World Cup. Juninho Paulista fulfills this function in Brazil’s top football institution.

The former president of Corinthians was in Qatar to follow the World Cup along with other figures in Brazilian football. During his time in the country, he strengthened his ties with the top leadership of the CBF.

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The EU has reached a political agreement on limiting gas prices – 19.12.2022



Germany sentenced Russian to life imprisonment for political murder by order of Moscow - 12/15/2021
BRUSSELS, DECEMBER 19 (ANSA). European Union countries reached a political agreement on Monday (19) to impose a natural gas price ceiling of 180 euros per megawatt hour (MWh). The main sources of income for Russia and the minimization of the use of energy as a weapon by the regime of Vladimir Putin.

The agreement was approved by a supermajority at a ministerial meeting of member states in Brussels, Belgium, after months of discussions about the best way to contain the rise in natural gas prices in the bloc caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. .

The value set by the countries is well below the proposal made by the European Commission, the EU’s executive body, in November: 275 EUR/MWh. However, the countries leading the cap campaign were in favor of an even lower limit, around 100 EUR/MWh.

Germany, always wary of price controls, voted in favor of 180 euros, while Austria and the Netherlands, also skeptical of the cap, abstained. Hungary, the most pro-Russian country in the EU, voted against.

The instrument will enter into force on 15 February, but only if natural gas prices on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange exceed 180 euros/MWh for three consecutive days. In addition, the difference compared to a number of global benchmarks should be more than 35 euros.

Italy, the EU’s biggest supporter of the ceiling, has claimed responsibility for the measure. “This is a victory for Italy, which believed and worked for us to reach this agreement,” Environment and Energy Minister Gilberto Picetto tweeted.

“This is a victory for Italian and European citizens who demand energy security,” he added.

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Currently, the gas price in Amsterdam is around 110 EUR/MWh, which is already a reflection of the agreement in Brussels – in August the figure even broke the barrier of 340 EUR/MWh.

However, Russia has already threatened to stop exports to countries that adhere to the ceiling. (ANSA).

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