
5G transmission breaks Samsung record; The technology could be the answer to the rollout of 5G in rural areas.




The mechanism used may be a solution to problems in areas that are further away from the signal.


BUT Samsung Networks, a South Korean manufacturer’s ancillary network equipment, has achieved record-breaking 5G internet performance. The confirmed average download speed is 1.75 Gbps at 10 km, which has never been recorded before. The peak figure was 2.75 Gb / s for downloading files from the Internet. The numbers have been verified in partnership with Australian brand NBN. Company which is at the forefront of the development, construction and operation of the country’s national broadband network.

The good performance was only possible because they used an FWA (Fixed Wireless Access in Portuguese abbreviation) connection with an implementation of the 5G mmWave standard, which uses high frequency radio waves. With this new idea, Samsung wants to hit the nail on the head and try to extend the reach to wider areas for FWA.

The new process can also be used in more remote rural areas. The motor being tested was the Compact Macro 5G, the industry’s first millimeter wave radio. The standout feature of the new technology used by Samsung is its range, as its high speed reaches even 10kg distance.

“This new 5G result proves the enormous potential of mmWave technology and its ability to deliver improved connectivity and capacity to address rural remoteness issues.” This was announced by Executive Vice President of Samsung Electronics Junhi Lee.

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