
1st STF Commission Voted to Keep Ze Trovao in Pretrial Detention



The first panel of the STF (Supreme Federal Court) formed a majority, so the preventive detention of truck driver and YouTuber Marcos Antonio Pereira Gomes, known as Zé Trovão, remains. His defense demanded a habeas corpus.

A supporter of President Jair Bolsonaru (Poland), Ze Trovao gained notoriety this year for trying to organize strikes by truck drivers. He is under investigation on charges of instituting criminal and violent actions on the 7 September holiday.

STF Minister and Case Rapporteur Luis Roberto Barroso voted against habeas corpus. According to him, Ze Trovao’s defense “did not bring enough new arguments to change the decision” previously made by Barroso.

The pre-trial detention order was passed by Minister Alexander de Moraes, also from the STF, and who has now said that he was not allowed to vote.

Rosa Weber and Carmen Lucia, who were the last to vote, followed the voice of Rapporteur Barroso. Now only the manifestation of Minister Diaz Toffoli remains.

The virtual trial period began on December 3 and should end before this Friday (10).


Following his preventive detention order, Ze Trovao spent two months on the run in Mexico, stating that he would not return to Brazil for fear of being arrested. However, on October 26, he spontaneously reported to the Federal Police (PF) in Joinville, the city where he lives.

A Bolsonaro supporter is one of those investigating an investigation launched in April 2020 to investigate the organization of undemocratic actions amid demonstrations calling for military intervention, the closure of STF and Congress.

According to Moraes, the investigations carried out by PF show “there is strong indications and significant evidence pointing to the existence of a real criminal organization, with a strong digital presence and with production, publishing, financial and political centers, absolutely similar to those identified with the clear goal of undermining democracy and rule of law “.

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