
123456 is the most popular password among Brazilians.



NordPass has released its report on the most used passwords by people around the world and has included some countries in the list, including: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Spain and Mexico. The NordPass list of the 200 most common passwords is the result of an analysis of a 3 TB database containing credentials that were discovered as a result of security incidents. This information has been gathered through the collaboration of independent incident investigators.

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The table is sorted based on how many times the same password was used, including the number of times it was present in the database and the time it took to decrypt it with brute force attack🇧🇷 This time, contrary to what is happening, “123456” is no longer the most used in the world, but another password has taken its place, which is constantly present in this report: “password”, or “password” in Portuguese:

List of the most common passwords around the world. Source: NordPass.

The following table shows a column for each of the five countries mentioned. In all of them, the most commonly used password is the same: 123456🇧🇷 In addition, what can be easily analyzed is the number of variants “123456”, which is also observed worldwide.

Rating of the most common passwords by country. Source: NordPass.

The most popular passwords were also divided into categories such as sports, artist names, bands, food, video games, movies, cars, and others. 🇧🇷This shows that people usually follow a pattern in choosing a password that is easy to remember. However, it also makes them easier to predict. Especially in automated brute force attacks, Em that cybercriminals use software to verify multiple combinations of email addresses and passwords in seconds.” emphasizes Camilo Gutierrez Amaya, Head of the ESET Research Lab.

Best passwords with artist names. Source: NordPass.

Popular passwords that use the name of the team or club. Source: NordPass.

The best passwords using movie titles. Source: NordPass.

The results show that it is still important to educate people about the importance of creating long passwords, hard to predict and unique for each account or online service. Also, people should be aware that all of this can be achieved with a password manager on a computer or phone, as these services cover all of these needs. Finally, we remind everyone of the importance enable two-factor authentication Em all the services they use so that the security of their accounts does not depend only on the password, ”concludes Gutiérrez.

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